simonblack 3 days ago

Traumatic experiences (Marriage, Divorce, Loss of a partner, etc, etc) cause a reassessment of your life-beliefs, or your lifestyle, or your mindset.

So much so that there is a sharply-defined "before" and "after" period of your life.

I'm so sure if this is what you mean by 'Ego Death' or whether you are referring to what many of us call 'Transitions'.

There have been several books titled 'Transitions' one written by a man and another written by a lady around 1985. I read the one by the lady back when my first marriage broke up. Before I read that book my first wife described me as 'a beaten dog', and two or three weeks later she described me as 'almost arrogant', because I had changed so much in such a short time.

  • simonblack a day ago

    I mis-remembered: The Book was titled "Passages" by Gail Sheehy.

    And my confusing typo above was supposed be "I'm not sure" instead of "I'm so sure"